Organizational Membership runs on a calendar year January 1st – December 31st. Please note that due to the value of Membership, MPGC does not pro-rate Membership. Organizational Membership is only $100 per organization. To become a Member e-mail for an Invoice or you can now pay for Membership securely through our website via cc
Statewide NETWORKING with professional and volunteer colleagues with a common interest.
Free attendance at regular LUNCH & LEARN and WEBINAR educational programs. You can check out our Lunch & Learns and Webinar hosted events on our website.
Discounted rate to our ANNUAL CONFERENCE, with national speakers, workshops, networking and more. This year the Maine Planned Giving Council Conference will be held on September 18, 2025.
Password secured access to the CONFERENCE HANDOUTS available on our website.
CONNECTIONS with MPGC board members and others with valuable expertise to support your planned giving work.
Our convenient ORGANIZATIONAL membership allows MULTIPLE coworkers from your company to attend our programs for free or at a discount.
Free PLANNED GIVING JOB POSTINGS on the Maine Planned Giving Council Website for Members.